This was our annual snow shoe hike at MMR. The original date of Valentines Day was scrapped due to below zero wind chills. Unfortunately participation dropped from 8 to 2, but we still had a good time! We met at the Coskie's home about a mile up the road from the parking area. The parking area is inaccessible because of all the snow we've had this winter.
Once gathered Scott, Jill, Kate and I made our way to what we call South Trail. This is an unmaintained woods road that begins just before New Portsmouth Rd. changes from tar to gravel. I had broken in and brushed out the trail the previous Wednesday in preparation for the hike so that the going through this first section would be easier. There were many snowshoe hare and mouse tracks along the way and partial views to the Piper Mt. and Beauty ledges. At the junction with Phoebes Nable Mt. trail a porcupine burrow was discovered along with his highway of tracks through the snow.
The summit was a giant mound of snow, the view across the valley to the hills back-dropped by a bright, crisp blue sky. There was no wind and the sun was warm. What a great day! We took a break, taking in the view and taking pictures. Then decided to head back the way we came, so that we wouldn't have to break another 1.5 miles of trail! The hike back was fairly quick.
The hike wasn't without falls, kind-of inevitable when on snow shoes! Kate had the most, and had us laughing (with her, not at her, LOL) as she had a camera in each when she went down it was elbows out and face first into the fluffy snow. Ahhh, what us photographers put ourselves through! The day ended with the Coskie's inviting us into there home for hot chocolate, sandwiches and hot-out-of-the-oven cookies...YUM! Thanks so much Tony and Joann :)